
Books about Prolific Learning

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These books are released under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. See the license for legal details. In simple non-legal terms, I’ve released these books at no cost for personal use under the terms of the license. Feel free to share them with friends, family, or organizations that could benefit from them.

Prolific Learning Series for All Ages

This series is focused on showing you how to become a prolific learner. The first two volumes explain what learning is about. The remainder are examples of how to apply prolific learning ideas to different things. The examples chosen are things that can be lifelong skills. The material in these books should be helpful for those of all ages. Readability tests were used to target a reading level of about 6th grade. Most chapters in most books will be at this level.

Applied Learning Series

This series is focused on applying prolific learning principles for various groups and organizations.